Roadtax & Insurans Segera

Insurance & takaful from best brands available online!

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  • Siti Sarah Hanum
    Selepas menggunakan servic, saya tidak lagi terlambat bayar insurans. Magik!
    Siti Sarah Hanum
    7 Eleven
  • Encik Koka Kola
    Setakat ni service memang paling cepat. Baru tekan pay, dah siap roadtax depan pintu.
    Encik Koka Kola
  • Muhammad Ali
    Saya memang puas hati dengan servic ni. Terbaik!
    Muhammad Ali
    Subang Jaya

To date 2018 insurance & takaful served percentage by brand policy count.

  • Syarikat Takaful Malaysia45%
  • Etiqa Takaful26%
  • Kurnia/AmGeneral Insurance14%
  • Axa Insurance13%
Etiqa is the insurance and takaful business of the Malaysian banking group Maybank. It offers life and general insurance as well as family and general takaful products. Etiqa Insurance is one of the top conventional insurers in Malaysia by gross premiums written
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad is a Malaysian takaful company, the first of its kind in the country. It was the second largest takaful operator in Malaysia in 2013 for both family and general takaful. Syarikat Takaful operates under the wakala model, under which it manages the funds generated by takaful contributions and receives a service fee from the funds. Formed in 1984 at the recommendation of Task Force on the Study for the Establishment of an Islamic Insurance Company in Malaysia.
With a capitalization of RM200 million, and total assets exceeding RM2 billion, Kurnia Insurans stands as a pillar of the industry, representing stability and strength. Annual premiums in excess of RM1,096 million, having been achieved, have now become the base projection for the future.
AmGeneral Insurance Berhad (AmGeneral) is founded on a combined business of two former entities, AmG Insurance Berhad and Kurnia Insurans (Malaysia) Berhad with the acquisition of KIMB by AmBank Group and Insurance Australia Group International Pty Ltd (IAG) in September 2012. With our strengthened market position, AmGeneral stands as a pillar of the industry, representing stability and strength with exceptional product offering, distribution and customer service.
AXA is the global leader in insurance and investments, with 165,000 employees committed to protecting and improving the lives of 107 million customers across 64 countries worldwide. For the 9th consecutive year, we have been ranked as the No.1 Global Insurance brand by Interbrand, the world’s leading brand consultancy and publisher of the annual Best Global Brands report.
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